7 years ago
#1212 Quote

Not at this time.

If you create an exercise that includes a setup that has a special purpose target in it, that target zone will lose its special purpose assignment when the exercise is run and become a normal target zone.

It is recommended to not use setups that include special purpose targets when making exercises, as that now-pointless target zone will likely just confuse people trying to run your exercise. You can load, edit your setup to remove the special purpose target, and re-save the setup under a different name to avoid this issue.

The current special purpose targets break exercises (as in crashy/buggy stuff). We do have plans to implement special purpose targets that are compatible with exercises in the future, but this will likely be a user-side setting that isn't loaded from exercises themselves.


More help

Where do the setups for "Master Setup" and "Drill Settings" come from? What do these mean?

Where does the preview image of the targets/target zone setup come from?

Can I use plugins when creating exercises?